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Ehdotus miksi ja miten Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö voisi luoda itsehoitojärjestelmän Suomeen niin että se paitsi parantaisi Suomalaisten terveyttä myös toisi kustannussäästöjä valtiolle ja kunnille. 

The other articles are concrete examples of ideas that I have had.

This article instead is about my experiences in practice when I have done Thinking Big.

Where do we need instant quantum messaging?

To me it is obvious that interactive MindMap is much better UI for CV on my case.

But you can compare these yourself:

I think Rovio is doing the same problem that Nokia did as well: they keep doing profitable business, but they do it without making any major changes.

With Nokias case this was obviously the touch screen that they had tried out and rejected as a bad idea.

Today (2014) Finland has the highest public sector in the world. And that it is paid with borrowed money.

I suggested to prime minister Alexander Stubb, minister of Finance, Antti Rinne and to Finance Ministry that they would create a task force to fix this situation.

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